lucas and i headed off to california two weeks ago to attend my 10-year high school reunion and, as a bonus, to visit our family and friends. it was lucas' first experience flying and i was quite worried, especially since i flew alone with him the first leg. but, praise God, he did just fine. in fact, he flirted with the other passengers on the plane! here are some pictures of lucas' first "airborne" adventure, along with some photos of the time we spent with family in california.
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lucas laying on his aunty vicky at 1 week old and at 6 months old...can you see the difference?
lucas' two bottom teeth are fully in and he has become quite the good eater. he's also become a handful. though he's not "crawling" yet (still only does the army crawl), he can scoot around a room faster than i can catch up with him. he's also found the power outlets, so we made sure to cover them all. amazing how much they develop in just one month!
we are proud to announce that lucas is sleeping through the night...yay! he has been doing it successfully for over a week now, so we are finally catching up on the much needed rest that we've been lacking.
the sweetest thing happened today. lucas reached out his arms to us for us to hold him!!! the first time it happened, a friend was holding lucas while he was fussing and, as i walked closer to him, he turned his body towards me and extended his arms to ask me to hold him. my heart melted! :) of course, we tested it out a few more times when allan got home to make sure it wasn't just a fluke. it wasn't. :P
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35