Friday, July 28, 2006

good times

a visit from our good friends from north carolina reminded us how important it is to stay in touch with those who are far away from us...

snoqualmie falls

picking blackberries

lucas, edwin, and carter (aka larry, moe, and curly)

the little piggy who stole my ice cream cone

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

monkey dooz

we have this place here in the tri-cities called monkey dooz. it's a "salon" just for kids. lucas' hair was getting way out of control and he wouldn't let me go near it, so i decided to give this place a try. it was awesome. the barber seats were actually jeeps (for the boys) and each jeep had a small tv in front of it playing a cartoon. these things kept lucas occupied long enough for the stylist lady to lop off most of his locks.

:: before ::

:: during ::

:: after! ::