Thursday, January 06, 2005

on the road

we hit the road for christmas, traveling to both northern and southern california to visit our families. i ended up faring quite well given my physical state. other than some swelling and backaches, i didn't have any problems...praise God! we had a great time celebrating the holidays with both sides of our immediate families this year. a scary thing happened - i was walking back to bed from the bathroom one night (with the lights off) and tripped over my suitcase! luckily, and amazingly, allan was right there to reach out his arm and catch me. we don't know how he did it because he was fairly sound asleep. but, just as i was lunging forward about to hit my head on the nightstand, his arm came in front of me and caught me. whew, that was a close one.

:: a peek at some of baby's first christmas presents ::

baby socks
baby socks to keep little feet warm

pee-pee teepee
pee-pee teepee to protect mommy and daddy
during changing times

1 comment:

joyce said...

woa, that's pretty scary! good thing for allan's reflexes! it was great to see you both, and can't wait for the baby's arrival!! is it time yet?!