Saturday, February 05, 2005

a sweet fairy tale

my very good friends here in the tri-cities threw me a baby shower today and i had so much fun! there's something about a group of women getting together to celebrate the birth of a first child that is truly touching. a big THANK YOU to my friends for planning such a fun and special celebration for me.

so here's a short fairy tale that my creative friends penned for me and my little one at the baby shower (each sentence was written by a different woman who was not able to see what the previous woman wrote!)...

"once upon a time there was a girl named yolanda. this beautiful young woman had a baby the day after allan arrived home. he crawled to the kitchen and pulled open the drawer to play with the pots and pans. yolanda and baby loved to look in each other's eyes and enjoy each other's smiles. the baby cried all the time and finally allan was able to cheer him up! this baby boy was so dearly loved and his mommy got to stay home and care for him everyday. then one day the boy went to school. the baby has yolanda's nose, allan's mouth. as the tuan's boy grew older and entered his teen years, he respected his parents and never talked back because you know this is a fairy tale. one day little baby wandered into the deep dark forest and met a strange little dwarf who gave him a riddle to solve. he came back from his adventure and to his mother's surprise, he brought back a beautiful princess. he was truly blessed to have such fine parents to raise him and teach him all of the ways of the Lord. and the lovely young lady and her handsome prince lived happily ever after with junior :)."

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