Saturday, October 15, 2005

some pumpkin pickin' and some cake eatin'

lucas had an action-packed day today. it started out with some one-on-one time with daddy (a trip to wal-mart...ha!). then, all three of us headed out with our friends to the local pumpkin patch to pick out a few good pumpkins. we had a GREAT time. allan and i enjoyed some tasty tamales while lucas dined on some macaroni and beef (yum!). after lunch, we took a bumpy hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. lucas was a great help in picking out the 5...yes, FIVE...pumpkins we brought home. after loading up all of our pumpkins, we headed off to our last activity of the day...our little friend bishan's 1st birthday party. there, we feasted on some more delicious food (chinese this time) and watched bishan carry out a traditional chinese game played during a child's 1st birthday. the game involves laying out an assortment of items, ranging from a drill, to a keyboard, to a chess board, to a pair of swim goggles, and having the birthday boy or girl go to the item of his or her choosing. the item that they choose represents the profession they will engage in. bishan chose the keyboard, representing a career in computer science! another little boy, eddie, really liked the swim goggles. as for lucas, he set his sights on the calculator. we'll have to wait and see!

:: pumpkin patch ::

:: bishan's birthday celebration ::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute! we do something very similar for baby's 1st birthday! we put out a tray of things, and depending on what the baby chooses, that's what he/she grows up to be! money = banker, book = scholar/professor, rice = chef, yarn = can't remember... but you get the point. :)