Saturday, April 07, 2007

and then there were four...

we have the great pleasure of welcoming emma grace tuan into our family! God has blessed us with a healthy baby girl and we can't help but share the good news. here are some early pictures...

emma grace arrived at 6:35 pm on wednesday, april 4, 2007. she was 6 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long...good things come in small packages.

here's mom during labor.
she was a champ...and beautiful.

mom's contractions are the peaks in the white trace
in the middle of the screen. emma's heart
rate is in green above mom's trace.

baby feet...emma had ten fingers
and ten toes. phew!

here's our precious girl. one of the few moments she
opened her eyes. she's ridin' high with some sweet-ease
(basically sugar water) and a binky.

my two girls resting after a long night of eating
(e.g., nursing) and not really sleeping.

she slept a lot during the first twenty-four hours.

wave goodbye to the hospital! we're on our way home!
by the way, must give myself props...the nurse that discharged us
said that my car seat installation was one of the best she's ever seen.
can't be too safe with our gift from God.

well, i'm off to sleep...hopefully.


aramigan said...

she is beautiful like her mom. Her dad is no slouch either.
Great pictures.
I hope you guys can get some sleep. It looks like Emma is.
Leah, Dan, and Gabe

joyce said...

congratulations!!!!! she's gorgeous!! and look at all that hair on her little head! :) now you'll never forget whit's birthday, since he shares it with emma! ;)

congrats again...hope to meet her in person soon!

Anonymous said...


She is so beautiful. I love her tiny little feet and she's just so precious.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Emma with the little red hat on. It's so cute.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful.....I'm glad the delivery was much easier this time!! Congratulations!