Monday, September 03, 2007

good times

we had a fun-filled labor day weekend! saturday night, we enjoyed some tasty homemade beef stroganoff with our friends, kat, tony, theron, and the dickhauses. the three boys were uncontrollable! (that is, lucas, carter, and theron - not allan, brady, and tony.) then, on sunday, we were off to the columbia river with some more friends for some kayaking, canoeing, floating, volleyballing, frisbeeing, eating, and general horsing around. it got dark fast and we found ourselves trying to load up all of our stuff (including the boats) with little light. kind of sad because that means that summer is nearing its end, but a lot happy because that means that fall is coming! my absolute, hands-down favorite season of the year is fall. here, in the tri-cities, we get to experience all four seasons. so, fall is even more awesome than what i remember it to be when i lived in california. i didn't capture any pictures of our day at the river, but i know how much i enjoy looking at pictures when i read my friends' blogs, so here are some from july and august of the kids that i haven't shared.

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emma's two favorite things to do as of late
are sucking her hands and playing with her feet.
you should see her in action. it's adorable!

lucas is great with his little sister.
he is super gentle and loving. he's being a ham in the first
picture and, by the look on her face, emma is calling him on it.
in the second picture, lucas is showing off his
badges of courage - from a fall he had on the tennis courts.

our little darling - and her tongue.

emma and her friend, lexi.


joyce said...

the pics are great yolanda!! and again, congrats to you both on the new "baby." :)

i too love having 4 seasons...a definite plus about living near the rockies...and fall is definitley approaching!

Anonymous said...

Ok California leavers, California has four seasons too. They just aren't as defined as other places. Although, even that depends upon where in Cali you are.
Sorry, but people in Japan used to always say that too that Japan had four seasons and I wondered what they thought everyone else had.

yolanda said...

leah, you crack me up! honestly, though, i didn't know about the 4 seasons until i left california and moved to the tri-cities. (i would have said seattle, but they only have one season there - rainy. just kidding! i LOVE seattle.)

joyce, allan and i want to visit you in colorado! the pics on your blog of the red rocks amphitheater is breathtaking!
