Friday, April 04, 2008

look who's 1!

our little emma grace turned 1 today! i can still remember the day she was born, at 6:35 in the evening. she was so beautiful and such a little sweetheart...hardly fussed at all and would just lay on my chest and sleep. she still loves to put her head on our shoulder and just cuddle with us as often as she can. the love we have for her really is indescribable.  we praise God for such an incredible blessing she is to us!

her day started out with lucas singing "happy birthday" to her, which was really sweet. we had a simple celebration for her in the evening with our family and good friends. we kept things simple so that we could really focus on honoring our little girl.

our sweet birthday girl

cake time...oh so yummy! emma got her very own cake,
and she loved every bite of it.

getting showered with gifts


e and h said...

happy birthday emma!!!

joyce said...

she's so adorable...and she's got the sweetest little smile! i hope someday we can meet her in person. happiest birthday to emma.

i can't believe it's been a year already...

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Emma!
Love the pictures. She is so cute and so is Lucas. You should be glad Lucas will be able to help fight the boys off in a couple of years.
Leah, Dan, and Gabe

B & J said...

Happy birthday Emma! One of these days we are going to be there to celebrate your birthday with you.