Thursday, May 15, 2008

an update

so, i'm 22 weeks pregnant and i definitely look and FEEL pregnant now. this little one seems to be more laid back than both emma and lucas. she's not kicking and moving around as much they did. it could be that i'm more busy so i notice the movements less, but who knows. allan can feel her movements from the outside without any problems now; actually, we have been able to see her kicks and jabs by just looking at my belly. very cool!

lucas is as inquisitive as ever, to the point that sometimes i just answer "i don't know" to him because i don't know what else to say. his mind and memory are amazing. lately, he's been recalling and recounting things that happened to him back when he was 2-2.5 years old. wow. his favorite movie to watch right now is monsters inc., and he still LOVES curious george.

emma is a darling. she loves her big brother, but is also very adamant about what she wants. just yesterday she bit lucas because he tried to take something from her that she was playing with. it was really sad because she bit him pretty hard. i found it really hard to discipline her because she's still such a baby! she's also starting to feed herself with a spoon. it's probably considered late for most kids, but it's my fault for not letting her do it sooner. i'd rather feed her than clean up after her. (i know, i know...)

:: some pictures of emma in action ::


joyce said...

good for emma for sticking up for herself! lucas better watch out! :)

i LOVE the pictures...she looks like she's having so much fun!

Anonymous said...

you obviously did not have a little sis that bit you like I did. They know what they are doing. I know Mae did. I think she planned it from the beginning. Sneaky little younger siblings with the cute smiles! I feel for you Lucas.

e and h said...

whoa...emma's gonna be a fiesty one! watch out!