Friday, June 20, 2008

one last peek

yesterday, i had what i think was my last pregnancy ultrasound ever. that also means i won't get another peek at our babiest girl until the day she arrives. it just makes me that much more excited to meet her. i am 27 weeks and 6 days pregnant today, so i'm coming along. things are going well with the pregnancy. i haven't experienced swelling yet, which is a good thing. but looking back at my history, it should be appearing within the next few weeks. i am NOT looking forward to it. especially with the weather getting hotter as summer progresses. i have to tell myself that it's all worth it because i see how sweet our baby looks already in the ultrasounds. she has very big/full lips...allan and i are hoping they aren't going to be too big. :) she also looks more like lucas than emma, based on their ultrasound pictures. can't wait to find out!

at my appointment, i found out that i gained about 1 pound (whew), i measured 28 inches for the fundal height (right on), the baby's heart rate was 154 bpm (all good), and she's head down already (let's keep our fingers crossed!). i was given my lab slip to take the jelly bean (glucose) test to see if i have gestational diabetes. i love this part because i am being required to eat 25 jelly bellies, yum!


joyce said...

what?! you get to eat jelly bellies?! no fair...i have to drink sugar water. blech, i'm already not looking forward to it (i have to do it on wednesday).

omg, 1 lb?! i think i've gained like 10 this month!! how in the world do you only gain 1 lb in 1 month?! i feel swollen, but i can still wear my wedding band (just a tad snug these days) and i still have ankles! lol...i dread the swelling to come. :( but you're right, it's all worth it, and i can't wait to meet our little dude!

Amber said...

She's beautiful!!!

OK, so seriously ... jelly bellies?!? are you kidding?!? I had to drink some nasty orange stuff.

Oh, and I LOVE the new look on your blog!!!

e and h said...

what?! jelly beans?! are you sure that's the right test? it's usually a glucose drink...not jelly beans. are you sure??? lucky girl.