Tuesday, July 29, 2008

33 weeks, 3 days

here i am at 33 weeks, 3 days pregnant!
18w5d                    20w3d                    24w3d
  28w2d                   33w3d

i'm doing okay. my fatigue and nausea has returned. it's getting harder to sleep at night because my hips hurt and i am constantly running to the bathroom. the great thing is that i still don't have any swelling in my ankles and feet yet. woo-hoo! i saw my doctor today and was told that my platelets are still low, but my doctor wasn't worried. he reminded me that the same thing happened with my last two pregnancies. i just have to have my blood drawn more often so that he can keep tabs on it. i've read that low platelets could result in abnormal bleeding during or after birth. i hope that doesn't happen. so far, i have gained 18 pounds. i'm hoping to stay within a weight gain of 25, so we'll see if i can hit that target. :P


joyce said...

still so adorable...18 lbs, that's it?! well, it looks like the only weight you're gaining is baby, so it makes sense. :) i love the pic of you golfing in leavenworth!! and the crepes sound so delicious...i've been having major sweets cravings lately!! but i know what you mean about the hips hurting at night. it sucks!!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, only 18 lbs!!!! You look so great. I think your body is getting really good at the pregnancy thing. hehe A few more? J/K I've put on 28 lbs already and still have 10 weeks to go! I think the cake and ice cream is going to have to stop!
My hips hurt, my ligaments hurt, and now I've got terrible rash and horrible itching. We're have to chat about that. hehe
