Wednesday, July 28, 2010

summa time!

most of you know that i can't really swim, so i have really wanted the kids to pick it up, to be confident at it, and to LOVE it. so, we enrolled lucas and emma in swim lessons these last 5 weeks and they have done incredibly well. lucas has taken to swimming like a fish in water and his instructor told me yesterday that he is extremely comfortable in the water and is doing great. he has advanced to the next level in each of the 2-week sessions he's been in (same for emma), and we'll find out this friday if they'll get to move up again. i think lucas will, but emma is the youngest and smallest in her class and i have a feeling she'll repeat it one more time. i'm just really proud of lucas because a year ago, allan and i had to drag him (literally) into the pool. now, he's jumping in on his own and even wants to jump off of the diving board (with floaties on). praise God!

here's lucas at his first session with his instructor, miss stephanie.


Aramigan said...

He seemed pretty brave when we were there last year. Speaking of which, you know I am wondering if it is something about me and photographer Allan since I don't think I ever saw the pics of Emma and Gabe dancing.

Unknown said...

Hey~ I made it here! Your blog is just amazing! I love it~
You know one Chinese girl who is the youngest successful enterpreneur in China named Dong Siyang? Her English name is: Yolanda! ^^
Your Locus is so brave there, and I think you should also learn how to swim, what is 2012 really comes and you can't swim?!---just joking:)


Unknown said...

mistake there...
I mean, what if 2010 really comes and you can't swim....


yolanda said...

evelyn, you crack me up! you were right the first time. what if the end of the world comes in 2012 and i can't swim??? okay, resolution for 2011. seriously. just for you! miss you!

yolanda said...

leah, i'm going to dig for those pics of gabe and emma dancing! i forgot about them! miss you!