Wednesday, July 20, 2011

lucas' turn!

one of my last posts was all about emma, so this one will be all about lucas. :) he is our ever-inquisitive, articulate, video-game loving, judo master! just kidding about the judo master part, but he IS learning judo at our local dojo and he's having a blast. the other night, he was in his skivvies and we caught him doing judo/karate moves in front of his window for all of our back neighbors to cute! a few weeks ago, we got a great surprise when his sensei called him forward and presented him with a medal for having "the heart of a lion." i was so proud of him! his sensei told him that he was hard-working, aggressive, diligent at practicing and attendance, and had the heart of a lion, which i looked up and found it to mean "a fierce warrior." pretty cool! a couple of weeks later, lucas took his first test and received his first yellow stripe. another proud moment! (2 yellow stripes and a third test will get him a yellow belt.) i could tell he was really proud of himself, which is awesome because he can be really shy sometimes. besides judo, lucas is loving his swim lessons, still very much into star wars and anything that involves shooting a gun, playing soccer, boardgames, and movies. our little boy is not so little anymore. :)

he was very gracious to share his medal with his sisters!

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