Wednesday, February 29, 2012

leap, leap hooray!

happy leap year! nothing much going on around here today. i did come across an interesting offer online from zappos. i guess they normally have a 365-day return policy for their products, but if you buy something from their site today they're offering a 4-year return policy! whoa. who is going to buy something and keep track of it enough to return in four years? i can't think of a scenario where i might do that.

something a little more interesting - i have been knitting up a storm around here lately, and here is the last thing i knitted...fingerless gloves for emma! lucas wants a pair, sans flower. he asked for flames instead. we'll see what i can come up with, but definitely no flames. i'm not that creative.

(here's the pattern)


rachel said...

LOVE the gloves...those are awesome-i want some! :) i just wish it were cold enough in OK to wear a coat! 76 today-TOO WARM!!!!!!

joyce said...

i don't know what happened to my sorry if this is a dupe.

what a lovely model! :) i've been knitting lately too, and have more patterns than i have yarn. wish yarn wasn't so expensive!

yolanda said...

rachel, i can make you a pair after i knit some up for lucas and elise! and, i'm actually ready for some warmer weather!

joyce, i hear you on the cost of yarn! just keep your eye out for clearance stuff...that's what i try to do!