Friday, November 16, 2012

date night with my boy!

lucas has been dying to do cub scouts, but the den that he wanted to join (because of a friend) always met on thursday nights, which conflicted with the bible study group allan and i led that also met on thursday nights.  well, this year, after many years of leading, allan and i decided to take a break from leading.  thankfully, two awesome couples stepped up to take over the group.  this freed us up enough to let lucas join the den that he wanted!  the first time i saw him in all his get-up, my heart melted and i did what many moms do...i swooned over how adorable and handsome he looked in his uniform!  so stinking cute!  

he was going to a camp-in at a church tonight, but we needed to grab dinner before dropping him off.  and, since the girls were at a sleepover at my friend's house and allan was on his way home from china, i got to go on a date night with my boy!  it was loooong overdue and made me realize that they need to be regularly scheduled into my calendar.  i had a great time chatting with lucas and hearing his thoughts on a number of things.  loved every minute of it.  :)  can't wait to do it again soon!

if you think you see something in my teeth, you're right! :(  
didn't want to leave you guessing.  :)


e and h said...

So happy to see you blogging again!! Love the pictures and LOVE seeing what the Tuans are up to. Miss you 5 like crazy!!!

joyce said...

man, he does look super adorable in that cub scout uniform!!! and i love the picture of you and him (and the thing in your teeth, haha), so sweet! i love spending one-on-one time with my kids, they grow up so fast and i know soon enough they won't want to spend any time with me (boo hoo...).

Aramigan said...

i think you actually look like you are getting younger Yolanda. Lovely photos.