Thursday, March 06, 2014

it's official...

...we are moving to china!  this decision has not been an easy one for us, but we are SUPER excited about it!  of course, there are costs and sacrifices as well...our loving families (especially my sister and her family), our amazing friends, our wonderful home church, uprooting our kids, some much-enjoyed "american" comforts, and more, but we are ready and trusting God in this new adventure.  excited to share more as we continue on this journey!

wearing helmets and getting ready for the 
crazy bicyclists in china!  :)


stewielou said...

So excited to follow your journey on here!!

Ann Loree said...

I can't tell you how excited for you all I am!

joyce said...

Now you really need to maintain your blog (assuming you can over there) cuz I want to hear all about your adventures!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, it's a big move. I am so happy for you. Let me know if I can help anything. I am assuming you're moving to Nanjing? Btw, it's Scarlett