Tuesday, September 04, 2007

announcing our new baby!

this one didn't take us 9 months (it took more), and was a lot more work for allan than it was for me (a change from our last two babies).

we are pleased to announce the arrival of

we're very excited about our new venture and would love your prayers and support. thanks, in advance!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys. This is great! Too bad you aren't closer. I could use your services every now and again.
Also, happy bday eve, old lady!!!

Christy said...

Yeah!!!! Now I know who will take all the pictures of my prego self and the baby AND I get to support friends on their venture!
Congrats and I am VERY excited!

yolanda said...

thanks, leah! i wish we were closer as well. oh, and don't remind me...i'm no longer a twenty-something!

love ya,

yolanda said...

michele! i'm SOOOO excited for you and paul! when are you going to be in our neck of the woods again? can you make sure to let me know (or have cristy let me know)? i'd love to see your beautiful belly! congratulations!!!

blessings to you!

Andy said...

The site looks great. It is weird to see such a proffesional looking site where I know a lot of the people. Pictures look really good!