Friday, April 25, 2008

it's a...

we had our ultrasound appointment yesterday, when i was 19w5d pregnant, and found out that we are having another girl! we were a little surprised only because our doctor thought that we might be having a boy. it was just too early to tell at 11 weeks. allan and i had already started preparing ourselves for another boy. we began thinking of boy names (our top choice was owen lee), telling lucas that he might be having a little brother, and telling friends that we thought we were having a boy. what a shocker!

we brought lucas and emma with us to the appointment. emma wasn't aware of what was going on, of course, but lucas was asking all kinds of questions. my favorite was, "what are you doing to my mommy?" our ultrasound technician was great...and patient. she let lucas listen to the heartbeat as many times as he asked to (we finally had to tell him to stop asking), she sat him on her lap and let him help her push some buttons (data) into the machine, and she let him help with the dvd and pictures. he was so proud of himself, and we were proud of him, too! our babiest girl weighs 12 ounces and is healthy and thriving.

we're excited that emma and her sister will only be a year and a half apart, and that lucas will have TWO little sisters to love and teach and protect. allan's comment when we found out it was a girl was, "uh-oh, lucas, we're outnumbered." i can't wait!

in order: girl, foot, foot, face (a little scary, we know!)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Another girl!! Leah and I were just talking about how we used to imagine all of our kids marrying each other so that we could be in-laws. Secretly I was hoping you would have another girl so that the competition for Emma wouldn't be so fierce in case Joyce and I also had boys (well, only if Emma is into younger men, hehe). Joyce and I could end up having girls then it would all still work out!


joyce said...

aw, yea, another girl!!! how fun for emma! :) and lucas has a big job now, being big brother to 2 little sisters!! yeah, the face is scary when it's looking straight at you (we have one of those from our 12 week u/s).

michelle, you are hilarious...well, we'll find out soon enough if our kids can marry each other (assuming they like each other enough to want to start a long distance relationship!). lol...

Anonymous said...

Ok, now no one will believe me. Well, maybe Michelle because I kind of told her but I decided to predict Yolanda would have a girl and Joyce and Michelle would have boys.So I am 1 for 3 so far.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Okay if our children are going to marry each other we really need to work on making this once a year get together a reality. Jen

e and h said...

congratulations tuans!!! exciting for lucas...two little ladies to take care of. i'm sure he'll make a fantastic big brother protecting his little sisters. aw...another little girl! congrats!!! e&h