Saturday, November 29, 2008

a lot to be thankful for

we were invited to our friends', the wilkersons, home this year for thanksgiving and we had a great time meeting their family and enjoying a deeeelicious thanksgiving dinner together. the kids (all 8 of them!) had a blast. check them out at their own little table! we have a lot to be thankful for, but this year i am especially thankful to God for our health.


joyce said...

yea! thx for the mass update! :) i LOVE the pics...i can't believe how big the kids are getting! i'm still trying to figure out who elise looks like! i love the pic of lucas at his dedication...he was so little!! oh, and happy anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

wow! how did you get all those kids in there to just eat independently? If Gabe was there, he probably would have started a food fight.