Thursday, January 29, 2009

long time no blog

i've been doing a terrible job keeping up this blog (i know), so here's my attempt at it again.

elise has really gotten big these last couple of months. we took her in for her 4-month well-check and found out that she is:

41% for head circumference (41.2 cm)
88% for height (25.5 in)
57% for weight (14.1 lbs)

i haven't had time to look back and compare her statistics with lucas' and emma's, but i'm pretty sure that she is our biggest baby of the three. i predict that she'll be taller than emma, which will prove my theory about younger sisters being taller than older ones (of course, there are always SOME exceptions but for the most part i have found this to be true). allan thinks that elise is our cuddliest baby. he says that she loves to just lay her head on your shoulder and cuddle with you as you're holding her (i agree), and she makes the sweetest cooing sounds ever! we don't remember lucas and emma cooing as much as elise does. her sleeping is getting better. she usually goes from about 8:30 pm to 2:00 am, eats, goes back down until about 5:30 am, eats, goes back down until about 9 am or later if undisturbed. so, she's still waking up twice at night unless you are a morning person and consider her 5:30 am waking to be her wake-up time. i'm not, and i don't. we moved her into lucas' room about a week ago. lucas is the best big brother a little sister could have, seriously. he doesn't complain about her crying and doesn't ever get frustrated with her. in fact, sometimes if she wakes him he'll come out to tell us that he thinks elise is hungry. such an incredibly caring brother! as for firsts, she rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time at 19 weeks (january 14) ! i was videoing her all along the way, but had to stop to answer a phone call and when i got back she was already on her tummy. i was so bummed. i caught it on video again, but you have to be really, really patient. she doesn't do it right away.

lucas and emma are a hoot together. here is a very familiar conversation between the two of them:

emma: "stop it!"
lucas: "why?"
emma: "cause."
lucas: "because is not a reason."

other famous emma sayings include:
"i got it." (this was her first sentence, and she uses it all the time.)
"i want gum!"
"solly." (sorry)

okay, here are some videos and pictures of the kids. enjoy!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
"In the town of David, a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord. This is how you know Him. You will find a baby wrapped in cloth lying in a manger." (Luke 2:11-12)


Aramigan said...

Yeah, a blog! Emma cracks me up. I think she is going to be your little clown. I love how she looks like she is doing kungfu in that middle video.

joyce said...

wow, i can't believe she's rolling already!! rhys is close, he rolls on his sides a lot, but never quite makes it onto his tummy. and he's rolled a couple times from tummy to back. i don't want him to get mobile too fast tho, that means we have to baby proof the house!!!

i love the videos, your kids are too cute!! and yes, elise is a big baby!!! :)

Sarah said...

I love the videos! And I'm so glad you posted. It's been a while!

yolanda said...

thanks for the encouragement, guys! i know, i have totally been slacking. it's been tough trying to keep up with this blog when there's fb! :0p

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have really cute kids.

Anonymous said...

They are so adorable! When I watched the video of Elise rolling over, she reminded me so much of Cambria. It's so cute how she throws her legs up and then flops back, that is exactly what Cambria does too. Cambria hasn't managed to roll all the way over though and she seems to have lost interest in trying. Hmmm...
I hope you had a fabulous birthday party!
