Sunday, May 03, 2009

so far not so good

so, are you ready? here's a list of all the junk i ate before going to bed each night last far, not so good.  darn those orange creamsicles.  (don't worry, they're all gone!)

sunday -- orange creamsicle
monday -- garlic bread, orange creamsicle, cookie
tuesday -- orange creamsicle, an orange, gummy bears
wednesday -- caramel rice crackers, 2.5 chocolate chip cookies
thursday -- otter pops, chips and salsa, gummy bears
friday -- caramel apple cake
saturday -- miniature snickers, root beer float

(i'm hiding my face in shame!)


e and h said...

whoa yolanda... you put me and eugene to shame! and we thought we were the big night-time snackers. hope your list next week is...shorter? we still need to talk and catch up!!! miss u!

joyce said...

wow yolanda!!! and you still remain skinning as a stick! what's your secret?! dude, if i could eat like that and be thin, i wouldn't feel so guilty. hahahaha... the trick to stop the snacking is to not have the snacks in the house! :)

rachel said...

i have read this post a few times and crack up each time! i eat cereal at night if i need something sweet! :) i'm looking forward to tomorrow's post! :)