Sunday, May 10, 2009

so far a little better?

my list this week...argh.  this time, it's darn a&w and their 90 cents-floats.

sunday -- root beer float
monday -- rbf
tuesday -- rbf
wednesday -- gum!
thursday -- iced coffee, ice cream w/brownie
friday -- watermelon, rbf, muffins
saturday -- rb (without the f)

i'm optimistic and excited about next week's list!  oh, and i have a clarification.  this is a list of all the stuff i ate after dinner, not just right before bed.  doesn't really make a difference, i know, but my friend made a good's not worth living without dessert.  i agree! 


joyce said...

i'm glad you clarified yolanda, cuz i'm picturing you eating this stuff as you're in your PJs, walking to your!!! :) and to be clear, you actually go out to A&W to get your RBF?? wow! i like their RBF, but i would only get one if i happen to be passing by one! lol...i'm too lazy to leave the house if i don't have to! :P and i don't think gum counts as a snack or dessert!!!

yolanda said...

well, SOME of those things were eaten late-night, but mostly they were a dessert after the kids went down. you'll start to know what that's like (hiding junk food from the kids) when rhys gets a little older! we have an a&w about 2 minutes from our house (with a drive-thru), so it was no biggie. i would not go if i had to drive further and definitely not if i had to get out of my car!