Tuesday, June 28, 2011

our big girl

i have been meaning to do a post about emma for a while now. she has just gotten so big and so independent! we've been really busy so i haven't done a great job capturing all that she has learned and accomplished lately, but here's a peek at two of her recent big "moments." i love this girl to pieces!

our local library has a rule that you have to be able to write your first and last name in order to get your library card. emma has reached that accomplishment! last friday, after story time, we headed over to the counter and applied for emma's own library card. she did such a great job!
getting ready for the headshot. don't you love her with her little purse?


the librarian was super nice and didn't mind the kids crowding around behind the counter to see the picture

waiting for the card to print out (not sure what elise is looking at)

here you go, emma!

an official library card holder!

emma is also playing soccer for the first time, through the ymca. her very first practice was a bit rocky in the beginning. she didn't want to be out on the field without either me or allan, but now she just runs out there and does her thing. can't wait for her first game this thursday!

and this is just a cute picture of emma holding up her letter cookies. she was so excited that two of them got stuck together and spelled 'hi!'


Aramigan said...

seriously, the pic of her in her soccer uniform looks like a mini-yolanda. It really looks like you shrunk yourself. She is adorable, just like her mommy.

joyce said...

she is so adorable, and getting so big!!! and i agree with leah!

e and h said...

oh my gracious! she is just the most adorable soccer player i have every seen!!!