Thursday, July 07, 2011

an orchard in our yard...almost

we went to pick cherries a couple of weekends ago and picked almost 20 lbs of bing, rainier, and benton cherries altogether! they didn't last very long in our fridge. so good! we love having ray french's orchard just around the corner from us. in fact, their orchard backs up into the yard of our neighbors across the street. the only bad side, of course, are the pesky little fruit flies that appear. now that cherry season is over, we are looking forward to some yummy peaches that are coming soon. the kids can't wait to bite into a juicy donut peach!

lucas was our "taster," or more like sampler :)

sweet elise peeking out from the trees...her shirt was filled with cherry juice at the end

emma and brayden, so cute

me and my boy

me and my other boy

pretty girl emma

our loot only minutes into the pickin'!

1 comment:

joyce said...

20 lbs!! i love cherries, but rhys won't eat them (one of the few things he won't eat). i think the pit weirds him out, haha!